
Friday, February 21, 2014

Sunshine, Spice & Everything Nice

For the past 2 months, every time I chat with friends or family from Minnesota, they start the conversation with well it snowed another 6 inches today, no big deal. 
Sorry guys, but I gotta say I don't miss that at all. I got my fix of snow and a white Christmas while I was home for 3 weeks in December, but that was all I needed. 

Now it's not exactly warm in Tangier, but there's plenty of lovely sunshine to soak in while walking around- and that is one thing I love about this city. You can walk everywhere. 
Every morning I walk from my house in the Kasbah all the way down a giant hill to the theater where I choreograph various dance projects for a couple hours. Then I walk back up the hill to Marshan where I work with the designers of Zidzid Kids, walk back down later to the Cinematheque- the center of the social scene- for a coffee and a chat with friends, and back up the hill again, stopping through the medina to pick up some fresh veggies for dinner. Sometimes I head out once more, either for rehearsal with my group of young Moroccan dancers or for a drink with whoever's around. And by the end of the night, back up that hill I go. 

Who needs a gym membership in this city? I think I could already kill someone with my leg muscles.

Anyway, I've been feeling a bit guilty for being able to waltz around outside without putting on fifteen thousand layers first, so I though I would make a smoothie in honor of all my loved ones who have to bear the long winter. Let me share some sunshine with you through this happy immunity-building smoothie. The lovely mix of golden honey & turmeric along with the fresh ginger will help you fight off any late winter sickness (and they taste delicious together). 

Stay warm, my dears. 

Sunshine & Spice Banana Smoothie

2 ripe bananas
3/4 cup almond milk
2 tsp raw honey
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp minced fresh ginger
1/4 tsp vanilla

Do I even need to write smoothie instructions? I've always found that a bit silly.
Just mix it all up in a blender, pour in two tall glasses, sip & enjoy.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel the sunshine and the warmth emanating from this Moroccan post-- the snow may not be melting, but I am.

    1. Oh good! You guys need it over there in Minneapolis. The warmth starts from within :)
